Pretending that a Tic Tac is a medicine capsule.
Betting second race with the announcer in the commercial tele-sena speaking the numbers drawn
3 Draw a clock on the arm as a child.
4 Cover the drain of the bathroom floor to make a little pool.
5 Eat Trident on paper because "the role of Trident is edible"
6 Making the feat of sticking a finger in the eye itself inadvertently
7 Stay green pencil that bending and breaking.
8 drops betting race in the car window when he's raining.
9 dream that was to class naked, or without a part of clothing.
10 Delete everything that I was writing when he sees what the other person is typing something on MSN.
11 Trying to balance the light switch in the middle between lit and unlit.
12 Taking a note better than the nerd's room without having studied.
13 Open a new tab in the Internet and forget what he would do.
Pretend you are smoking 14 sticks salted those "Stiksy" of Frito Lay.
15 Stay biting the plastic cup after drinking what was inside, then rip into several strips to make a sun.
16 Always let the volume of the radio / tv in a round number or a multiple of 5.
17 Being too lazy to put a new roll of toilet paper in place and let him loose in the sink.
18 Being uncomfortable when you're watching TV or a movie with her parents and a sex scene begins.
19 Speaking ill of someone else and find that it was a relative / friend of hers.
Reply 20 something for someone who is in his way and find that the person was not talking to you
21 He took all the stuffing Trakinas package to then eat everything at once.
22 Forgotten Twitter open for 15 minutes and when I had to read 159 tweets.
23 Feel the need to press a button whenever passing near a keyboard or piano.
24 dream that he is trying to run and still moving slowly.
25 Turn off the MSN plugin that shows the song you're listening to hear
rough music hidden
26 Shouting 'Aeeeee "when the light ends
27 As a boy, pretending to be asleep when he arrived by car at home, to be taken inside the cervix.
28 Staying talking obscene things (or groaning hahha) when a friend is talking to his parents on the phone.
29 Open the freezer and be happy to see the pot of ice cream, open it and view that is frozen beans.
30 Place empty box of Chiclets Adams / Clorets the index finger.
In 31 hours of entering the wrong password a letter and delete everything just to be sure.
32 Write a giant laugh on MSN without even be laughing.
May 33 Give a slipper in a spider. She never dies in the first, begins to squirm, and you have to get it over with grief
Being 34 really cool watching something on TV, without wanting to change and trying to increase the volume.
35 Stay scratching with a pen and only after a long time to see it scratched because the whole point was about to off.
36 I spoke to my friend's mother, who was not hungry, but was very hungry.
37 Attempting to cut a piece of meat with a knife bad when you finally get the piece flies off the plate along with rice
38 Thinking that someone is gaining on the game until you discover that your screen was low.
39 If all wet when you try to wash a spoon
40 If you look in the mirror at the end of the day / lesson and realize that was the whole day with her hair messed up, or something in the face.
41 Want to enter "!!!!!!!" and show a "1" in the middle !!!!! 1!
42 Take more time looking for the remote than it takes to just get up and connect directly to the TV.
43 Place the arm near the TV just to see the hairs raise the arm.
44 Trying to get something that's falling and knock another.
45 = Work 2. Ctrl + C. 3.Ctrl + V. 4.Mudar difficult words. 5. Title, Name. 6. Date a few days ago.
46 looks at the clock waiting for the 11:11 or 22:22
47 leaves the alarm goes off and then raise naum tells mom woke q naum
48 self speaks to the person next tah hear u do talking
49 on top of a hill of a cry for fika hear an echo
50 of a secret cell in the other when on speakerphone tah
51 fika biting pen lid
Says the 52 years spent as shorn
53 when a person speaks q is 16 and the other will say you have the face of 15
54 small places where a liter of water a tree to the punch
55 speaks for mother just a minute